Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Change, how many of us like change? What does change do to you and how does it effect our lives. I personally used to dislike change. I felt like change was messing up my life. But as I grew older I began to articulate that change is necessary. To me change is like being in a relationship; our single ways have to change in order to have a healthy relationship. You may say that you don't have to change but if you want it to work and make that connection some things are going to have to change. It's not easy by far but it's for the better. Webster dictionary says change means to make form of something from what it used to be ( to change the course of history ). What stood out to me was changing the course of history. Can you imagine if nothing had change since the early first century...no electricity or running water, no malls or nail salons, no cars, cell phones or iPads. Life would be a lot less interesting right about now. I thank God for change. Change is necessary and very much needed as life goes on. Tell me, what changes have you made in your life that could change the course of history? Better yet what decisions have you not made due to the fact that you fear change? For me mine would be accepting God into my life allowing Him to transform my ways of thinking and providing me with His knowledge and wisdom to make decisions my life for the better. It all boils down to that CHANGE is GOOD, so step out on faith and try it. If all els fails you can always go back to the way you were before.all it takes is having faith the size of a mustard seed. Try change today! Love you be blessed and smile.

Friday, April 26, 2013


Bondage you say...... Most think whips, chains, even being tied up. However the bondage I am referring to is the one we have a denial about being in. Are you ever honest enough with yourself to say I am in bondage right now? The answer is NO, well I should say I know I haven't. I do know that we all have some kind of bondage rather we want to admit it or not. I can only speak for myself, my bondage was control, which stopped me from being open minded and hearing what others had to say, I felt like if I listen to others then I was losing my control and they were gaining what I had. The bondage I have now is my weight it is preventing me from doing things such as learning to swim, running with my kids, even dancing which I love to do. I have also noticed that with the weight bondage this blood pressure that I have does not disappear or leave if anything it rises higher which can cause me to have strokes and heart attacks, but God! So what is your bondage? It could be, sex, compulsive eating, stealing, lying, drinking, shopping, drugs, prostitution, people pleasing, gossiping. I have provided a list of things that can cause us to be in bondage. Once you realize what your bondage is do you know how to get support while in your bondage. Well if you don't I can shine some light on what you can do. My church has this life group that I attend called (CR) Celebrate Recovery, this life group has open me up in ways I would not have even thought was possible, but God. It allows you to speak aloud on issue that you are scared to speak on, you receive support, and I am learning I can do nothing by myself. We are better together. Please get connected to a life group or find a spiritual partner, if you have any questions on how to do either please feel free to ask me. Love you be blessed and smile!

Thursday, April 25, 2013


What does a friendship mean to you? That is the question of the day. As I sit here and ponder on, what’s a friendship? I first evaluate what it means to be a friend. Which to me a friend is someone who show affection and is interested in you also cares about you willing to go through things with you also someone who does not judge you no matter what, or someone I can tell my most intimate secrets to and telling the truth even when it hurts you. When think I think of a friend one song always comes to mind for me it goes this way. I am a friend of God, I am a friend of God, He calls me friend. That means a lot to me, to have my creator call me friend even though I know that I have not done all that I needed to do to earn that title. This is what a friend is to me, which made me reevaluate what type of friend am I as well as what type of friend I could be. Have you ever sat and ask yourself what type of friend you are, or if you can be a better friend to someone. I used to say that I was a great friend to my friends, when I looked back I seen that I picked and choose who I was a great friend to and the reasons why. Can someone say judgmental (lol) yes I was and never seen it that way. I know that we all have friends; I also know that you love friends on different levels. Which is not a bad thing what I am saying is don’t be so quick to judge who you are good to and who you are not. I pray that we all have the heart to allow God to work in us and provide us with the wisdom of being a great friend as well as forming wonderful friendships. So now is the time if you have not already done so, to sit and ask what kind of friend am I. Love you be blessed and remember to smile!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


What is beauty? When someone says you are beautiful, have you ever thought what in the world are they looking at. Do you look at yourself in the mirror and say man I look good. If you wont admit it I will. There has been a couple of times I step back into the mirror to say I am beautiful, now grant it your beauty may not be my beauty but I know what I saw at that moment. Why do we have to define beauty with skin color or hair texture, better yet size or style. It really breaks my heart when I see others that have changed themselves with surgery's to make sure they look or feel a certain way because someone told them that this can enhance their beauty. I have always said we are made different for a reason and if God wanted us to look a certain way he would have made us that way. I am short and there is nothing I want to do about that. I seen a T.V. show where someone had got implants in there calves or tried to have a knee lift, that is so scary to me. If it was meant for me to be tall I would be and there would be nothing I can do about it. The bibles says... I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works. Do you know what that means? It means that God made no mistakes in his works making you and I. He breathes life into our bodies and framed us with his hands, cant no man do that, and from the looks of what surgery's do to folks I don't want no man doing nothing to enhance nothing on me. LOL. The next time you feel like you need an enhancement, sit back and say I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous is thy works and God makes no mistakes. I love you be holy and smile!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


We all can say we know love or have experienced love right? The answer for me will be yes, however I learned that the love is TIME. HUH! Yes that is what I said when I heard that, however when you think about and be real honest with yourself it is true. What does that mean you say? Glad you ask. Love is used as a cliché these days because it sounds like the right thing to say but love is an action word it takes TIME and effort. We often say I love him/her but when you account for your time spent, how much of that is spent with them? I had to ask myself the same thing when it came to my Jesus. I cry and pray and praise His holy name I know in my heart that I love Jesus, and no one can tell me different. A while ago I had to look at the time I was investing in my relationship with Jesus, how can you love someone that you know nothing about or spend no time with? I prayed that but God teaching me to use the time He gives me more wisely, so that I am spending time in prayer and in his word, so that my heart matches my actions. Today I can truly say I love Jesus, not that it was fake the first time, but my time would have said otherwise. Sit back and look at what and how you time is spent, be real with yourself on the time you spend. I can help you out a little further. I used to say to my husband, oh baby I love you so. I do, however when it came to my time I was always at happy hours with the crew from work, never missed a moment at Applebee’s, yes I had to rethink what was I loving. I thank God for change of heart as well as the way of thinking. My pastor always say you have to change the way you think, trust me it's not easy and it won’t happen overnight but I'm a firm believer that prayer changes things, I know that all things are possible in Christ. So the question of the day is what do you love and whatever that may be is your time invested in it. Be blessed and please Smile!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Stepping out of the Dark!

This weekend was full of love and happiness. Hope you all had a great weekend as well. Today I want to talk about coming out of the dark. I learned this weekend that a lot of us are in the dark, and we don’t realize it until someone turns on the light. When the light is turned on we wonder why our eyes have to adjust to the light and at times we ask who turned on the light. This statement is referring to the things we do behind closed doors and thinking we are hiding in the process of doing it. Have you ever heard the saying. What's done in the dark will come to the light? This is very true. Have you ever turned on your own light and was scared of what you saw. I had a reality check after turning on my own light. One of my own experiences of being in the dark is that, I like to eat and never knew how much until I gained weighed, the funny thing about it is that I eat at night time more than I do in the day time. I always asked myself how did I gain all this weight and most of the time while I'm pondering I'm eating a bowl of ice-cream or burger after 8pm..go figure right..lol..i never thought to consider that I had a eating problem. I don’t eat a lot I just eat at the wrong times. After looking at what I do in the dark verses what I was doing in the day time, I have prayed that God gives me his will power t control my eating habits when it comes to the night time, as I write to you at this moment I am struggling with my weight as well as the blood pressure that I have encountered along the way. Even thought my blood pressure occurred after I had my second child it could have been controlled, however with the late night snacking it did not help at all. For me to see this was very hard and scary when I flipped on the light switch. I am not point fingers at anyone just myself, no need talking about the tooth pick in your eye when I got a plank in my own. This is why I say we are better together. I am praying that we all can see the light. It is okay to help each other without judging. Please review your life and evaluate it to see where your darkness lays. Be blessed and smile.

Friday, April 19, 2013


How many of you have dreams? If you have dreams do you live them out or at least work toward living them out? Do you see the vision of your dream or know what it means? I have dreams and some are clear to me, others can be a bit challenging. Either way I think it is very important to at least look into your dreams or acknowledge them. You never know what messages are in your dreams, don’t be so quick to disregard dreams. Have you ever heard or said yourself follow your first mind? To me that is the same when it comes to your dreams, I feel that dreams are heartfelt and a lot of us run from them, when we should really be researching and learning more from the dream. I pray that the dreams are not just going to waste and that you are at least looking into them to see the message or lesson in the dream. Just think about it. Be Holy! Smile this weekend and touch someone else. Love you be blessed.